Name of the character

Season participation ex. S1-2
IGN In game name[link your main social media handle]
Alias Any other names they have gone by
Pronouns a/a
Species Origin + specifics if applicable
Occupation Jobs they have taken specify per season if the character returns for more than one
Connection to the void? Yes or no
Location List all places they have had residence in

Insert a brief description of the character and any important general information about them



Describe the character's appearance(section it off by seasons if applicable)


Describe the Character's personality, how they behave towards others and such(section it off by season if applicable)


Prevoices(if applicable)

Insert the character's life prior to participating in voices smp


List off all major events for the character with extra notes

Relationships chart

If they exist within more than one season, add the season number

Character Relation
Name relation


  • Just add msc info that didn't belong in the main parts, you may also link external stuff here too
